Update 6th March

Hi everyone, Sorry for the radio silence recently, but I have been extremely busy getting orders out. Roll into that delayed stock, due to the snow and a 5 year old with lots of ‘snow days’ from school and its been crazy…..
On top of that my poor hubby took a spill in the snow and hit his head extremely hard on a concrete floor ? and hasn’t been right since ?
But I wanted to pop on to update everyone on where everything is at ? and answer a few questions I’ve been getting.
All Hochanda orders are completed and have been sent (including any newer orders) – They may have been delayed with the weather we have had recently, but they are all on their way!
All regular orders are upto date, other than a few of the orders placed within the last week. These may of been slightly delayed due to me receiving materials (MDF) later than expected because of the snow. However all orders older than 2 days will of been dispatched by the end of the day tomorrow.
Will I be stocking the items that were sold on Hochanda on the website? – Yes, They were going to be added 1st March, however I am well aware peoples orders were delayed with the weather and just wanted to give a few more days for those orders to arrive before the products are for sale. They will go live on the website at the weekend. A few other suppliers will also be stocking both the newer and older MDF items, I will share more details as they become available.
Will I be back on Hochanda and when? – Yes, (I must be mad lol :) ) Hochanda have invited me back for a few different dates. The next date being 16th April at 11am and 3pm
Thank you again for all your support and patience and don’t forget any ideas for what you would like to see or can’t find elsewhere, please share ?
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