Painting the Millennium Falcon! – Dry brushing technique

mil card 4 main w

Happy Friday everyone 🙂

Before you get to wondering too much, i didn’t need scaffolding for this job!  hehe….

Although I’m sure painting the real Millennium Falcon would be fun, this is a mini Falcon, that is made from air dry paper clay and was for use on my hubby’s Valentines card.

I love paper clay, but don’t use it as much as I should! Its so light weight that its perfect for adding things like this to cards and projects, without adding any weight, which means two things, my card doesn’t topple over all the time and it doesn’t add anything to the ever rising postage costs if I was sending it!

I just wanted to share with you how simple it is to get that old, rough, distressed kind of look (this can work on other items too, not just paper clay).

First make your object, in this case the Millennium Falcon and let it fully dry, normally over a night or two.

How to achieve the paint effect:

 Millenium Falcon 1
1. Paint your item in its base/main colour.


Millenium Falcon 2
2. Give it a second coat if need be, let it fully dry.


Millenium Falcon 3
3. Take a tiny bit of Black acrylic paint on an appropriate sized brush (in his case as small one). Brush the paint off onto a scrap piece of card, until it feels as though it is just empty.


Millenium Falcon 4
4. Now take your brush and brush it all over your item. This is called ‘Dry Brushing’.


Millenium Falcon final
5. Complete the ship by adding some watered down red acyrlic and watered down black to highlight certain areas.


 Let it dry and adhere it to your project 🙂

mil card cls w

Hearty – White air dry paperclay
Grey, red & black acrylic paints
Heavy weight Linen Cardstock


I hope you will pop back again soon for my next post, please feel free to follow me using the box in the side bar or by entering your email address below, so that you can be notified when the next post is live, that way you won’t miss out on any hints, tips or Freebies too 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Painting the Millennium Falcon! – Dry brushing technique

  1. A wonderful project…my kiddos would be sooooooooo jealous of this if they saw it! You did a fabulous job creating the Milennium Falcon. Thanks for joining us this week at TTCRD, hope you’ll join us again for more of our weekly challenges!
    Denice – TTCRD DT

    1. Thank you Denice 🙂 x

  2. What a brilliant project! Thanks for joining us at Craft Rocket, Claire DT x

    1. Thank you Claire 🙂 x

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